Parking Deck Restoration

Parking Structures are subjected to more wear and tear than most buildings.  In fact, a parking deck’s exposure more closely resembles that of a heavily used highway bridge, which means extreme exposure to deterioration.

Dynamic loading, moisture, wind and chemical attack are all potentially destructive to parking decks. Parking structure maintenance is sometimes deferred due to limited budgets and the inability to take the garage out of service for maintenance. This leads to deterioration that can impair the structure’s integrity. Timely corrective action is the best way to reduce the impact and cost of this deterioration. Given the critical impact that parking can have on a facility, incorporating a sound maintenance and repair program is essential.

At Reconology, our Parking Restoration Services include:

• Concrete Repair
• Traffic Deck Coating
• Expansion Joint Repair
• Joint Sealant
• Precast Connection Repair
• CFRP Structural Strengthening
• Bearing Pad Replacement
• Basement and Elevator Pit Leak Stop
• Crack Repair/Structural Epoxy